Daily Archives: October 11, 2013

Government Creating Phony Crisis So They Can Pretend To Save Us ~ Peter Schiff

Published on Oct 11, 2013

Peter Schiff on CNBC Asia (10/10/2013)
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Less Than 10 Americans Nationwide Have Signed Up for Obamacare

October 10, 2013/ Greg Simon According to Representative Buck McKeon (R-CA) after over eight million hits less than ten, yes that is correct TEN, americans nationwide have actually signed up for Obamacare. ““I heard that they’ve had over eight million hits, people that have tried to sign up, and so far they have people in the single digits…

Important! The U.S. Dollar’s Demise Gets A Real Boost From China. By Gregory Mannarino

Published on Oct 11, 2013

(1). EU Signs China Currency Agreement:http://www.neurope.eu/article/eu-sign…
(2). China Calls For New Reserve Currency:http://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?…
(3). Greg Hunter Wrap-Up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csxyTX…
**Check out my website! Click here: http://traderschoice.net


Goldman Sachs Trying To Flush Out Gold Sellers?

Published on Oct 11, 2013

Peter Schiff on CNBC Europe (10/11/2013)
Listen to the Peter Schiff Show
Live Weekdays 10am to noon ET on http://www.SchiffRadio.com
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“Stop Logic” Gold Slam Was So Furious It Shut Down CME Trading Again – ZeroHedge

It was precisely a month ago when, in “Vicious Gold Slamdown Breaks Gold Market For 20 Seconds [5]” we wrote: There was a time when, if selling a sizable amount of a security, one tried to get the best execution price and not alert the buyers comprising the bid stack that there is (substantial) volume for…

Silver vs. Fiat Currencies & The Debt Ceiling Delusion -SRSrocco

As the U.S. Government continues to waste time debating over the “Debt Ceiling Delusion”, the death of the fiat monetary system grows closer.  Since 2000, the value of gold and silver have increased substantially compared to the world’s fiat currencies. According to GoldSilver.com article, Race to Debase 2000 – 2013 Q3 Fiat Currencies vs. Gold &…

Maguire – The “Vampire Squid” Is Busy In The Gold Market

On the heels of a plunge in the price of gold and silver, today London metals trader Andrew Maguire spoke with King World News about the takedown in gold and silver, and he told KWN the “Vampire Squid” is very busy in the gold market.  He also spoke about what is taking place in the…

What Investors Must Know If There Is A “Catastrophic Event”

On the heels of tremendous volatility in key global markets, today a 42-year market veteran warned King World News that there is something incredibly important which investors absolutely must be aware of in case there is a “catastrophic event.”  Hathaway, who is one of the most respected institutional minds in the world today when it…

Obama to Raise Debt Ceiling by Exec Order: Congress Irrelevant – Greg Hunter

Published on Oct 10, 2013

*Obama Can Raise Debt Ceiling by Exec Order, Making Congress Irrelevant (0:26)
*Obama Third Term? – (4:25)
*The Debt Ceiling Isn’t the Problem, the Problem is the DEBT – (8:15)
*Government Shutdown & Debt Ceiling Is Political Theater, but the Debt Is Real – (16:58)
*Dismantlement of Syria’s Chemical Weapons, But the Problems Are Not Over – (21:30)
*U.S. Moving Towards Energy Independence – (26:25)
*Economic Calamity Ahead – (29:22)
*Precious Metals: Insurance In Hard Times – (32:20)
*Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Agrees With David Stockman, “You should be in a state of readiness.” (35:40)

Greg Hunter is the producer and creator ofhttp://USAWatchdog.com. Before creating and producing the site, Greg spent nearly 9 years as a network and investigative correspondent. He worked for ABC News and Good Morning America for nearly 6 years. Most recently, Greg worked for CNN for shows such as Paula Zahn Now, American Morning and various CNN business shows. Hunter joined ABC News in 1999 from WTSP-TV in Tampa. He has earned a “National Headliner Award,” an International “Freddie Award” for health and medical reporting, as well as investigative reporting awards from both the “Society of Professional Journalists” and the “Radio Television News Directors Association.” Greg is a hard hitting reporter who has a history of getting to the truth no matter how difficult the subject.

Ann Barnhardt interview (mentioned in this video): http://bit.ly/Ann-Barnhardt

Debt Deal or No Debt Deal, Janet Yellen Heads the Fed, China and EU Cut Dollar Trade

Published on Oct 10, 2013

http://usawatchdog.com/weekly-news-wr… – Democrats and Republicans are talking about ending the government shutdown and raising the debt ceiling. I still feel like we are being forced to watch a sadistic game show where everybody ends up losing. In the end, I think everybody will lose because it is not the so-called debt ceiling that is the real problem, it is the enormous debt. It is $17 trillion and growing. Somebody that is going to have to face that problem is Janet Yellen, who was just nominated to take over at the Federal Reserve when Ben Bernanke leaves office. The media has sung her praises, but Ms. Yellen, I do not think, is going to be some sort of savior. China just arranged a currency swap with the European Union. That means the two biggest markets outside of America will not be settling trade with U.S. dollars. If you think this will not affect you, think again. Join Greg Hunter as he gives his analysis on these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

Keiser Report: When US backed cartel controls meth trade (E508)

Published on Oct 10, 2013

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss the preference for pink slime in economics, finance, education and politics. They look at the booming crystal meth market in America where the ‘shake and bake’ players are small time compared to the single US backed cartel controlling the trade. And how derivatives are the crystal meth of the financial markets. In the second half, Max interviews Jan Skoyles of The Real Asset Company about the report she co-authored, “Uncovering China’s Rush for Gold,” about China’s Gold Market, the ‘real’ size of China’s reserves and what Janet Yellen at the Fed will do for gold.

FOLLOW Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser

Gold struggles in Frankenstein economy

BY ROSS NORMAN October 10, 2013 Central bank interventions in the economy are nothing new, even if the dealings of central banks and even the U.S. Exchange Stabilization Fund are often murky. The consequences of them, however, are a man-made economy that behaves and looks rather weird, a Frankenstein economy if you will. The most obvious…