Tag Archive for Obamacare

Senator Rand Paul Suing President Obama over NSA Spying, Secret Iran Nuke Deal, Debt Limit Suspended

http://usawatchdog.com/weekly-news-wr… – There is yet another delay to part of Obama Care. Businesses with 50 to 100 employees will have another year to phase in health care coverage. Now, most of these companies already provide health care, but not the kind that Obama Care requires with free abortions and birth control and other “free” stuff. This “free” stuff will have to be paid for in much higher premiums, deductibles and co-pays.

Some Republicans are angry that President Obama is not releasing the details of his Iran nuclear deal. It is supposed to curtail Iran’s nuclear program, but if you listen to the Iranians, they don’t seem to be doing much negotiating or curtailing.

The Senate and the House have sent a debt ceiling bill to the President, and he will sign it into law. The bill suspends the Treasury’s borrowing limit. Let that sink in—suspends the borrowing limit, as in no limit!!

Finally, the government is being sued over the $13 billion JP Morgan deal that settled “wrongdoing” in the mortgage market. The lawsuit alleges that the Justice Department “acted as investigator, prosecutor, judge, jury, sentencer and collector.”

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he analyzes these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

Opinion on Obama Care Turns Negative, NYT Benghazi Whitewash, Bank Bail-ins Coming in 2014

http://usawatchdog.com/weekly-news-wr… Look at the mainstream media headline: “Health Care signups top 1 Million.” Here’s what they are not telling you. People who have turned negative on government-run health care are at record numbers. A CNN poll says 63% think the new law will make health care more expensive. Did you hear about the New York Times so-called investigation into the Benghazi attack where our Ambassador and 3 other people were murdered? The Times is saying the attackers had no ties to al-Qaeda, and it really was because of an anti-Islamic video. The Times doesn’t even bother to interview key people responsible for security at the State Department such as Eric Nordstrom. Nordstrom testified to Congress that Benghazi ranked “HIGH or CRITICAL in threat categories related to political violence, terrorism . . .” Terrorists struck Russia this week with two separate bomb attacks. More than 30 people were killed and dozens injured. Vladimir Putin has vowed to annihilate the terrorists before the winter Olympics. Gregory Mannarino predicts that money is going to flee stocks and bonds and go into depressed assets such as gold and silver. Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he gives his analysis to these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

Eric Sprott: 2014 Sends Gold North of $2,000 and Silver Over $50

http://usawatchdog.com/what-happens-w… CEO Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management predicts, “The price of gold and silver will both hit new highs in 2014. The price of gold goes north of $2,000, and silver will quickly go over $50. When it does, it will get a little crazy.” Sprott says, “They know a day of reckoning is coming, and they are setting up for it. . . . I am convinced some sovereign banking systems fail in 2014.” Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with $8 billion money manager Eric Sprott.

Jim Comiskey Metals November 19th

Questions on hedging physical or trading gold and silver please call or email me! See my information below: (click on show more below)

E-Mail: jim.comiskey@archerfinancials.com
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Thanks everyone for watching!

If you want Don to help you with posting videos, please contact him at DHBergstrom@gmail.com

ObamaCare Update, Russian Lawmaker Pushing to Make Accepting US Dollar Illegal & More

http://usawatchdog.com/weekly-news-wr… – President Obama is making a political move that will have little bearing on millions of people losing their healthcare coverage. The President has decided to allow insurance companies to keep selling those so-called “substandard plans.” The President is simply trying to stop Democrats, up for re-election, from creating and voting for bills that really will let you keep your healthcare plan. A Russian lawmaker is pushing a bill that will make accepting the U.S. dollar illegal. He contends that people will suffer in a dollar collapse and countries need to “wean themselves off the dollar.” Janet Yellen is in Congress for confirmation hearings to become the new Fed Chief to replace Ben Bernanke. She testified she is going to keep on printing money to prop up the economy. No surprise there. Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he gives his analysis on these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

Kerry Lutz: ObamaCare Will Speed Up the Ultimate Collapse of America

Published on Nov 5, 2013

http://usawatchdog.com/headed-for-tot… – Kerry Lutz of the FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com predicts disaster for ObamaCare. Lutz predicts, “It’s a tragedy for America. It’s going to speed up the ultimate collapse that we’ve been warning about. . . .There is nothing to be happy about.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer and radio host Kerry Lutz.

Is America Being Deliberately Pushed Toward Civil War?

November 5, 2013 by Brandon Smith PHOTOS.COM In 2009, Jim Rickards, a lawyer, investment banker and adviser on capital markets to the Director of National Intelligence and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, participated in a secret war game sponsored by the Pentagon at the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL). The game’s objective was to simulate…

Israel Warns Iran, Fed Keeps Printing Money, Obama Care is Unfixable and More

Published on Oct 31, 2013

http://usawatchdog.com/weekly-news-wr… – A report says Iran may have enough nuclear material to produce a bomb in as little as a month. Iran has repeatedly said its program is for the peaceful production of energy, but many countries in the West, including Israel, don’t buy it. Israel’s deputy defense minister said, “Israel will not stand by and watch Iran develop weaponry.” That is a not-so-veiled threat of possible future military action. The Federal Reserve decided this week to not taper QE, or money printing. The Fed is printing $85 billion each and every month to prop up the economy and the big banks. President Obama’s approval ratings have sunk to new all-time lows. Obama Care is a very big reason why. Not only is the Healthcare.gov website a mess, but doctors are opting out, millions are losing their health care plans and many are paying much more and getting much less. NBC broke a story that said the government knew that millions would be dropped from health coverage. Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he gives his analysis on these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-up.

Jim Comiskey Metals October 30th

Published on Oct 30, 2013

Questions on hedging physical or trading gold and silver please call or email me! See my information below: (click on show more below)

E-Mail: jim.comiskey@archerfinancials.com
Toll-Free: 1-888-935-7979
Outside Line: 1-312-242-7996

If you want to donate money for equipment, software, appreciation, or to buy us some beer, please do so via PayPal to email:


Thanks everyone for watching!

If you want Don to help you with posting videos, please contact him at DHBergstrom@gmail.com