Saturday 25 April 2015 Where have all the trillions of newly created “money” gone? Into the failed and bankrupt banking scam conducted by the elites. All world-wide monetary policy undertaken by the central banks has been for the sole purpose of protecting the failed banking financial structure, propping up the fiat currencies. Virtually none of…
Monthly Archives: April 2015
Gold, Investing, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Nothing Of Substance Going On. Fiat “Dollar” Controlling?
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 11 April 2015 There is little going on in the precious metals markets that indicates directional movement to the upside, and not even much to the downside. The news is as disjointed but permeated with sameness as ever before. To try to make sense of nonsense remains in the theater of the absurd. All…
Federal Reserve, Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Most Widely Used Currency In Western World? Stupidity.
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 4 April 2015 The only thing that has experienced a worsening depreciation since the privately owned Federal Reserve unconstitutionally took over the Constitutionally mandated control of US money, willingly ceded by a vapidly inept Congress, has been common sense. There is none in his country, apparently none in all of Europe, and even less than those who…