Peter Schiff

Fed Taper Will Trigger Recession

Published on Nov 2, 2013

Peter Schiff on CNBC’s Closing Bell (11/01/2013)
Unfortunately at about minute 2.40 I completely lost my voice. I actually had a lot more to say, but couldn’t get the words out of my dry mouth. I need to remember to drink a glass of water right before I do these segments. Ron Insana caught a real break.
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Rand Paul: Janet Yellen ‘Will Be a Disaster for the Economy’

Published on Oct 31, 2013

The Peter Schiff Show (10/31/2013)
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Fed Will Do The Opposite Of Tapering – More Money Printing!

Published on Oct 27, 2013

Peter Schiff on BNN (10/25/2013)
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Janet Yellen Exposed, Part 2

Published on Oct 23, 2013

The Schiff Report (10/23/2013)
To Download my 2005 housing bubble article, click the link below…
To watch the full video of my mortgage bankers speech, click the following link…
In reviewing this video I realized that I did not emphasize the most foolish of Yellen’s statements. In her praise of “innovative” mortgage products, which include such things as subprime, interest only, zero down, negative amortization, and no-doc loans, Yellen specifically identified homeowners using their houses as investments rather than places to live, and leveraging those “investments” using cash-out refis or home equity loans, as evidence that there was no bubble. So according to Yellen, highly leveraged, real estate speculation was evidence that there was no housing bubble! That the very products that helped fuel the housing bubble and exacerbate the financial crisis proved that there was nothing to worry about! Incredible!!! And she is out next Fed chairman!
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Why the Gold Surge is Just Starting

Published on Oct 22, 2013

Peter Schiff on CNBC/Yahoo! Finance (10/17/2013)
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Debtoxication (ft. ‘Dr Doom’ Peter Schiff)

Published on Oct 20, 2013

Addicted to debt, moving from one quick fix to the next — this is how the world sees America’s debt ceiling saga. With its craving only temporarily satisfied, we’re guaranteed to see a rerun of the debt tragicomedy in early 2014. Is it possible to break the vicious cycle, or is it a question of postponing the inevitable? To canvass these issues, Oksana is joined by ‘Dr Doom’ Peter Schiff, an investment broker who predicted the 2008 crisis.

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Janet Yellen Exposed –The Truth Behind the Myth

Published on Oct 17, 2013

The Schiff Report (10/18/2013)
To Download my 2005 housing bubble article, click the link below…
To watch the full video of my mortgage bankers speech, click the following link…
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Peter Schiff: Janet Yellen as Fed Chairman is Very Bullish for Gold

Published on Oct 13, 2013

Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Metals, predicts, “Americans’ standard of living is going to move dramatically lower. . . . We’re not going to be buying a lot of new things because stuff is going to be very expensive.” Schiff contends, “This is just a question of time until the illusion is pierced. When the collapse happens, that’s it–the party’s over. America is going to have to live within its means.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with money manager Peter Schiff.

Government Creating Phony Crisis So They Can Pretend To Save Us ~ Peter Schiff

Published on Oct 11, 2013

Peter Schiff on CNBC Asia (10/10/2013)
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