
Gold And Silver – Elite’s NWO Secretly Operates In The Open.

Saturday  24 October 2015 There are far bigger concerns about which Americans remain woefully unaware, even within the Precious Metals community.  How much demand there is for silver coins, how low is the supply for silver in contradistinction to an insatiable demand, China supposedly to set the price for physical gold to reflect reality once…

Gold And Silver – Three Choices: Sell, Hold, Hold and Add. A Trading Treatise.

Saturday  27 June 2015 Last year, the rage was the record-setting number of coins various mints were selling to the public, such an incredible demand that would surely impact the demand factor for gold and silver.  Then the focus changed to how many tones China and Russia were buying each and every month, scooping up…

Gold And Silver – Elite’s Puppet Obama – Western World’s Worst Enemy For Freedom

Saturday  20 June 2015 Obama is fast-tracking the Western world’s freedom out of existence.  If ever anyone questioned who this person works for, and it would be the elite’s world bankers, here is solid proof of where Obama’s loyalties lie, and when one thinks of the word “lie,” his name immediately comes to mind. The…