Saturday 7 November 2015 There are two things we know for certain about gold and silver: 1. Fundamentals do not apply [currently], and 2. There are no signs to indicate an end to this half-decade old bear market. There have been many calls for a turnaround in gold and silver since 2013. In fact, the…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Elite’s NWO Secretly Operates In The Open.
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 24 October 2015 There are far bigger concerns about which Americans remain woefully unaware, even within the Precious Metals community. How much demand there is for silver coins, how low is the supply for silver in contradistinction to an insatiable demand, China supposedly to set the price for physical gold to reflect reality once…
Gold, Investing, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Obama Is Bullish for Gold And Silver
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 17 October 2015 Obama is ultimately bullish for gold and silver. His erratic and often incompetent decision -making can only cause both PMs to rally. Here is part of the reason why: Russia’s entry into the Syrian conflict to fight real terrorists is as much a side-show as it is a pivotal power play…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Ufa. Why It Matters But Does Not.
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 19 September 2015 To almost all Americans mentioning Ufa will bring a blank response. What is Ufa? None would ask, “Where is it?” for there has been no mention of it anywhere in the mainstream media. Does Ufa matter? Yes, but in this country it does not. Here is a primer on understanding many…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Markets/People Never Change.
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Friday 11 September 2015 The events unfolding around the world, or perhaps better expressed, events unraveling at such a rapid and confusing pace can only be a prelude for the disastrous consequences that inevitably will follow. While it may be hard to reconcile, all of this has been orchestrated by the global elites who fully…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – NWO In Its Element: Problem, Reaction, Solution. Beware.
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 22 August 2015 Last week, we lamented how difficult it was to get a fix on the so many things going on in the world, and going wrong. It occurs to us that we are all in the midst of the New World Order going about business as usual, creating Problems, and the bigger…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Market Bottoming? Big Rally Imminent? Reality Check Says NO.
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 15 August 2015 The developing events over the past few months are so varied, seemingly unrelated but are all tied in, just not in a cognitive manner that makes sense, and almost all them are based upon lies by one government after another, the worst offender being the US. We find it hard to…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Charts Are The Compelling Story. Fundamentals Do Not Apply.
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 1 August 2015 Not in 2013, not in 2014, and so far, nothing positive for the price of gold and silver has developed in what looks like for the balance of 2015. Most of the highly regarded gold and silver sites and bloggers have been expecting an upside breakout, some even saying an explosive…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – The US Dollar Does Not Exist, Part II
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 24 July 2015 Truth does not exist in the world of politics. It is reasons such as these, below, that drives the importance of owning and holding physical silver and gold. The fundamental reasons everyone already knows exists but do not apply are important, but the power of the elites to rule over all…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Without Either, You Will Be Greeced.
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 18 July 2015 Step back for a moment and absorb what just transpired in the ongoing Greek tragedy that refuses to go away. Greece, with no possibility of ever repaying its fictitious debts to the EU, and the EU, in all of its greed and avarice, for no wisdom is to be found within…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Greece Needs Money? Money DOES NOT EXIST!
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 11 July 2015 All the world is indeed a stage, and what is unfolding is a worsening tragicomedy, and it is under the direction of the elites through their debt enslavement [un]known by the world as fiat currency. The unelected “officials” in the EU are the equivalent of Keystone Kops. In fact, that is…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Monthly, Quarterly Ending Analysis
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Wednesday 1 July 2015 While not many pay any attention to these two larger time frames, especially the Quarterly, both are more controlling and receive greater attention from smart money players. These time frames are not at all used for market timing, but they do show the dominance of a trend. It also takes considerably…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Three Choices: Sell, Hold, Hold and Add. A Trading Treatise.
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 27 June 2015 Last year, the rage was the record-setting number of coins various mints were selling to the public, such an incredible demand that would surely impact the demand factor for gold and silver. Then the focus changed to how many tones China and Russia were buying each and every month, scooping up…
Gold, Michael Noonan, Silver
Gold And Silver – Elite’s Puppet Obama – Western World’s Worst Enemy For Freedom
by click4silver • • 0 Comments
Saturday 20 June 2015 Obama is fast-tracking the Western world’s freedom out of existence. If ever anyone questioned who this person works for, and it would be the elite’s world bankers, here is solid proof of where Obama’s loyalties lie, and when one thinks of the word “lie,” his name immediately comes to mind. The…