Saturday 20 June 2015
Obama is fast-tracking the Western world’s freedom out of existence. If ever anyone questioned who this person works for, and it would be the elite’s world bankers, here is solid proof of where Obama’s loyalties lie, and when one thinks of the word “lie,” his name immediately comes to mind.
The first question to ask is cui bono? [to whose benefit?]. Listening to Obama, “There will be 100,000 jobs created by the TPP [Trans Pacific Partnership, which just happens to exclude two of the world’s largest economies, China and Russia]. Bear in mind, Obama is not just focused on TPP. Also on his agenda to serve the elite’s interests – for sure not yours, as you will soon learn – are TTIP [Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership], and TISA [Trade in Services Agreement], the latter two are proposed treaties between the US and the EU, both de facto corporate governments in the service solely for the elite’s NWO agenda [New World Order].
Here is what Obama is not telling you: each of the trade deals has within them a provision called ISDS [Investor State Dispute Resolution], an innocuous enough sounding title that actually strips away the sovereignty of each participating country.
Tell us more, Obama. “Sorry, no can do. Everything is top secret.” Not even Congress is permitted to know what the contents of each trade pact entails, even though that ignorant body of “elected” [euphemism for bought-and-paid-for] officials officially have no clue for what they are passing into law.
Beyond the paltry 100,000 jobs that would purportedly be created, here is some of what Obama is not telling you. The ISDS will give private corporations the ability to sue nations over “lost profit potential,” and/or for violating the corporations “rights” that prevents sovereign governments from protecting their own natural resources, to include the interests of that nation’s own citizens. It is also a one-way street. No nation has a counter-
right to sue an offending corporation.
What Obama is not telling you is that stockholders in these international corporations will now have greater power over any existing government. Need we remind anyone that the largest and most powerful international corporations are elite-owned or deeply indebted to the elites? Are you beginning to better understand why Obama is fast-tracking these trade pacts shrouded in utmost secrecy?
Cui bono, Obama? Certainly not American citizens. Whenever Obama shouted out, “Yes, we can!” during his campaigns, stupid Americans thought he was addressing them. Hell no. He was talking to the elites but just not telling anyone.
What happened in Ecuador, as a result of such a trade pact? [Here is an article describing the plight of a number of countries that have become financially obligated to foreign corporations]. That tiny nation was forced to pay Occidental Petroleum [Houston-based],
$1.8 billion, even though Occidental broke the agreement with the government of Ecuador. El Salvador is on the hook for $284 million to a Canadian company when that country wanted to protect its water against contamination from Pacific Rim, now owned by the Australian company, OceanaGold. [The article link gives you greater insight as to what is going down. Worth the read.]
In an ironic twist, Moonberg, Germany is under suit for 1.4 billion Euros initiated by Swiss energy giant Vattenfall. The irony stems from the fact that this idea of corporate interestsuber alles began in the 1950s by a group of German businessmen. Vattenfall sued Hamburg because the locally imposed environmental conditions were so strict that it made the Vattenfall plant in Moonberg unprofitable and that “constituted acts of indirect expropriation.” In other words, the environmental self-interests in Germany were interfering with corporate profits. In the Obama world of TPP, TTIP, TISA, et al, fascist corporate interests prevail over nations and its people.
Western world, meet Barack Hussein Obama and his fast-track Trojan Horse pacts, coming soon in your own neighborhood. Bow down to elite corporatism, Y’all.
Remember, he promised there would be 100,000 new jobs created in passing his pacts. Add that promise to the ones he made while campaigning, and he will be batting 1,000 in promise-making and lack of keeping. Obama’s agenda is just another way of getting Americans to sacrifice yet more of their jobs, their homes, financial security, freedoms, and principles so we can be protected by those stealing everything from us.
This also gives credence why China and Russia have been buying as much gold and silver as is available, and available at prices that defy logic, and more importantly, the laws of supply and demand. Of course, in the world of Obama and the elites, no laws apply, [unless you happen to break one of theirs].
To our way of thinking, events like these are far more important reasons for buying and holding PMs than how many ounces of gold/silver have been sold to the public, or how many ounces have been mined v available demand, none of which have impacted price, anyway. When your most basis freedoms and liberties are at stake, all that matters is what you have and how you can best be in control of your own destiny. Does how many tonnes of gold China actually owns really matter to your own survival?
We will now leave the world of don’t-believe-a-thing-you-hear, and enter the world of trust -in-what-you-see. In the world of charts, when the question of cui bono is posed, at least you know the answer is your interests, for a change. This does not mean you will necessarily like what you see, but no one can tell you what you see is not true or real.
When we talk about reading charts, it does not include using or imposing artificial factors like RSI, MACD, Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands, etc. They are past tense factors being imposed upon present tense charts in the [false] hopes of diving the future. Can’t be done.
Any time you see charts with arrows at the end pointing the direction of where the chart presenter “thinks” price is going, a ridicules exercise, send a note to the presenter and ask to see the chart and future arrows from the highs at the time of 5 years ago, or any chart that shows a sideways arrow from the lows at the time a few years ago? Then you can better appreciate the validity of the goofy arrows pointing in the next projected direction.
Charts do provide the best and most reliable present tense information available. The trend is the key takeaway information from any chart. When you can learn to be a follower of an established trend, that is when one can consistently make money. Emphasis is on the word “follower.” We know of no one who can successfully lead the charts ahead of time, consistently, or even inconsistently.
The imaginary fiat Federal Reserve Note, aka the “dollar,” has not given up its reign despite many calling for its demise, and if not many, more than a few. The trend remains up, and that remains the prevailing factor in reading developing market activity.
Last week’s lower low and lower close do not tell the whole story, and for that reason, we include a daily chart to focus on some more detail not as apparent from the weekly.
The horizontal line drawn from the mid-May lows should offer support on a retest, and this retest did not disappoint. Note how the lows of Thursday barely penetrated the mid-
May lows. What this tells us is that there were almost no sell stops resting under the previous low, otherwise, the low would have extended further down. Also, note the location of the close, on the upper range of the bar. Despite Thursday being a lower high, lower low, and lower close, buyers emerged and ruled that day.
Friday, last bar, turned out to be a non-event with no upside follow through. A small down channel has been drawn to reflect the short-term trend being down, but within a higher time frame [weekly] up trend. If the next swing high fails to exceed 98+, then we can say the daily trend could be in trouble.
Realistically, and why bother with anything less, neither silver nor gold are showing any evidence of a turnaround to the upside. There is a minor series of higher lows, recently,
but there is no upside progress. Last week’s weak performance indicates a lot more patience will be required for stackers. Given the character of the overall news, and none of it is positive, the artificially suppressed prices continue undisturbed.
We had a small commitment to the long side, last week, given the analysis, but the spike volume at the high of the rally was enough to take profits and stand aside. Price could rally more, but it would not be a rally to trust, at least not for long, as the location of the current activity is near the TR lows, and that is a message in and of itself.
NMT = Needs More Time
While we could say the TR is not making much downside progress, it could also be said price is not making any upside progress, either. Patience is required during a TR, and
this one shows no sign of ending.
The last 13 weeks are holding above the March swing low. With the lack of down side follow through, following the high volume effort of four weeks ago could mean there is an effort being made by the buyers to absorb sellers and take price higher, but that is just
conjecture which remains unconfirmed and nothing worth positioning, at this point.
The spike volume stands out on the daily, and intra day, much of the increased volume occurred near the high, usually an indication of sellers actively challenging the effort of buyers. You can see the rally stopped at recent short-term resistance. We added a few more horizontals lines to show how there is more potential resistance overhead that could cap additional rally efforts.
Friday’s small bar, mid-range close and close under the opening sends a weak message.
What will be key, moving forward, it to watch how the 1190 are is retested to see if it can offer support and hold given the six days of overlapping bars just before the rally.