Federal Reserve

Gold And Silver – Too Many Are Still Getting It Wrong.

Saturday  6 June 2015 Americans labor under the misguided belief that they have freedom, and by extension, freedom of choice.  This simply is not true.  Corporations are dictating more and more how Americans live, what to think, what to eat, and more.  Google is a perfect example of what was once a superior search engine-turned-government-tool-for-propaganda. …

Gold And Silver – Most Widely Used Currency In Western World? Stupidity.

Saturday  4 April 2015 The only thing that has experienced a worsening depreciation since the privately owned Federal Reserve unconstitutionally took over the Constitutionally mandated control of US money, willingly ceded by a vapidly inept Congress, has been common sense.  There is none in his country, apparently none in all of Europe, and even less than those who…

Gold And Silver – Very Strong Indirect Reasons To Buy PMs.

Saturday  10 January 2014 Got gold?  Got silver?  If not, you may not survive very well under the current and future regime[s] established in this country.  Does price matter?  Sure, everyone wants to buy reasonably near the lows, and there are many of us who paid substantially higher prices than currently exist.  However, if there…

Gold And Silver – No Defined Bottom.

Saturday  28 June 2014 Despite a decent rally in both gold and silver over the past 7 trading days, [TDs], both remain in bear market conditions, overall. This should hold true for however many more months, or years that the war-breathing, fiat-issuing federal United States government can retain its control. Despite the fact that the numbers…

Gold And Silver – They Are Money!

Submitted by Michael Noonan – Edge Trader Plus Saturday  29 March 2014 Almost all who read our commentaries know that we place the greatest importance on reading the developing market activity, as best seen in charts, in order to have the closest pulse on what is going on in the market[s].  The reason is because the activity found…

Gold And Silver – For Strong Upside Movement, Experts Continue To Be Wrong.

Saturday  22 March 2014 From our perspective, the charts reflect the reality of the unreal within the ruling Western elites that continue their financial stranglehold over every Western government, at a minimum, and through their central banks dictating how governments are to rule the governed, aka those enslaved into the system.  [We will deal with…

US Russia Sanctions, Yellen Taper’s Money Printing, Kevin Trudeau Fraud Conviction, Why Not Bankers?

http://usawatchdog.com/weekly-news-wr… – Russian President Putin now says, “Crimea is part of Russia.” A referendum in Crimea voted overwhelmingly in favor of joining Russia. The West is not buying it and has sanctioned Russia. This is supposed to be a serious international crisis, so why are the sanctions to light? We hit with a feather and then another feather by only sanctioning a few people in Ukraine and Russia. Russia hit back with some feather sanctions of its own, but also threatens to damage the U.S. dollar and not helping us with the Iranian nuclear negotiations.

New Fed Chief Janet Yellen gave her first press conference, and the markets crashed. You really can’t blame her. She is now in charge, and interest rates have nowhere to go but up. The Fed cut another $10 billion in bond buying, but it is still pumping out $55 billion a month to prop up the system. That is still more than $600 billion a year.

Finally, infomercial pitchman Kevin Trudeau has been convicted of fraud and sentenced to 10 years in prison. He’s lucky, sentencing guidelines say he could have gotten as much as 25 years. My question: Why no jail time for big bankers who have committed fraud on a global scale? What is wrong with this picture?

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he gives his analysis of these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

Gold And Silver – From Now On All that Matters Is That You Own Both.

Submitted by Michael Noonan – Edge Trader Plus Saturday  1 March 2014 Circumstances are at such a point that one no longer needs a justifiable reason for being long physical gold and/or silver.  Does it matter that the 50 day moving average is going to cross the 200 day moving average, now being bandied about as though…

Gold And Silver – All Eyes On Gold And China When Silver Could Be The Tipping Point.

Submitted by Michael Noonan – Edge Trader Plus Saturday  22 February 2014 incense –  [noun] an aromatic substance acquired from certain resinous trees with  aromatic biotic materials which release fragrant smoke when burned.  The odor  produced from smoke is not the incense, but the substance that is burned. Fundamentals for gold and silver have become the incense…


*My video discussing 1929 crash pattern vs today:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dglUEX…

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