Monthly Archives: November 2013

Gold And Silver – Reverse Bubble. Huge Rally When Broken. Note Bitcoin Results.

Submitted by Michael Noonan – Edge Trader Plus Saturday  30 November 2013 Gold and silver are in reverse bubbles, if you will, where price has been both severely distorted and suppressed by central banks, the visible tools of the otherwise hidden moneychangers, those on the top of the population pyramid who want to control and enslave the entire world…

Jason Burack–They’re Coming For Bitcoin presents
Jason Burack connected with FSN again for a wide ranging discussion. He believes that the government has Bitcoin in their sites and that they will be dealt with through the tax code. FSN thinks Bitcoin will be destroyed through market manipulation-they will be driven into a hyper-bubble and then popped. Jason thinks that gold and silver will soon be freed and allowed to find their true level, probably around March. And of course energy will continue to drive the economy and Jason likes non-shale dividend paying energy plays. Big news is on the way from Dr. Frackenstein, so stay tuned.
Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Jim Comiskey Metals November 26th

Questions on hedging physical or trading gold and silver please call or email me! See my information below: (click on show more below)

Toll-Free: 1-888-935-7979
Outside Line: 1-312-242-7996

If you want to donate money for equipment, software, appreciation, or to buy us some beer, please do so via PayPal to email:

Thanks everyone for watching!

If you want Don to help you with posting videos, please contact him at

The Way I See It Regarding Stocks, Gold, Silver, And The Fed..By Gregory Mannarino

*New interview AltInvestors:…
*Visit my website TradersChoice:
*Check out my book!…
*Liberty Mastermind Symposium:

David Stockman-This Is Not a Viable System-It’s a House of Cards-The Great Deformation… Author David Stockman warns, “This is not a viable system. It’s a house of cards . . . I think it will be a deflationary event.” Stockman, whose latest book is called “The Great Deformation,” goes on to say, “. . . financial asset prices will collapse.” How does gold do in this calamity? Stockman says, “As they see those assets go up in smoke, I think there will be a flight to a monetary asset that people will have some confidence in, and gold will be that asset.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former White House Budget Director David Stockman.

World Series of Poker 2013 – Final Table Livecoverage, Episodes 1-4

These nine, comprising the ‘2013 November Nine’ have $26,662,046 of prize money to play for, including $8,359,531 for first place – plus the most bling-tastic WSOP gold bracelet ever awarded, and the title of reigning world champion. The Main Event featured 6,352 entries in 2013, creating a $59,708,800 prize pool. The WSOP awarded over $197 million in 2013.




Jim Comiskey Metals November 22nd

Questions on hedging physical or trading gold and silver please call or email me! See my information below: (click on show more below)

Toll-Free: 1-888-935-7979
Outside Line: 1-312-242-7996

If you want to donate money for equipment, software, appreciation, or to buy us some beer, please do so via PayPal to email:

Thanks everyone for watching!

If you want Don to help you with posting videos, please contact him at

Gold And Silver – Charts Tell The Story. Decline Not Over.

Submitted by Michael Noonan – Edge Trader Plus Saturday  23 November 2013 However important underlying fundamentals are, in terms of supply v demand, they have been and continue to be of little to no use in determining when reality will reenter the market.  When that happens, price will adjust and reflect the true picture of gold and silver’s record [demand]accumulation. All that…

Iran Nuclear Weapons-World War? JP Morgan $13 Billion Fine, Senate Stops Filibuster, JFK Conspiracy… – “Israel says ‘bad’ Iran deal will bring War.” Iran calls Israel a “rabid dog” in the Middle East. An attack on Iran would lead to a quick escalation that would have calamitous consequences for the entire world. The Senate just changed the rules on the filibuster, and it has stopped this tactic for judicial nominations. Many say this is the nuclear option, and the minority party will have to succumb to majority rule on nearly all nominations and laws being voted on in the Senate. Finally, today is the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination. I can remember Lee Harvey Oswald yelling out, “I’m a patsy.” I asked my Dad what that meant, and he told me, “He’s saying he didn’t do it.” I don’t think he shot JFK and never will because the government story has more holes than Swiss cheese. Join Greg Hunter of as he gives his analysis on these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

Michael Snyder: Next Great Wave of Economic Crisis – Gold, Silver, Grow Food, Alternative Energy… – Michael Snyder, Publisher of says the next crisis, “will be like 2008 on steroids. . . . We’re living in the greatest debt bubble in the history of the planet.” Snyder suggests people need to take steps to protect themselves against this debt bubble bursting. Snyder says, “Learn how to grow good food, get alternative sources of energy, and hold gold and silver for the long term.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with investigative reporter Michael Snyder.