Daily Archives: October 2, 2013

Jim Comiskey Metals October 2nd

Published on Oct 2, 2013

Questions on hedging physical or trading gold and silver please call or email me! See my information below: (click on show more below)

E-Mail: jim.comiskey@archerfinancials.com
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Keiser on shutdown: America one giant hedge fund & world’s greatest soap opera


Published on Oct 2, 2013

Washington’s struggle to govern itself has already cost the American economy hundreds of millions of dollars on the first day of the government shutdown. And things are likely to get even more expensive, with neither Republican nor Democrat lawmakers willing to back down from their stance on Barack Obama’s signature health care bill.

Max Keiser gives his comment on the government shutdown.

Failed US Government Intervention Causing Panic Into Gold

In the aftermath of yesterday’s failed intervention by the US government, today Canadian legend John Ing warned King World News that the US dollar is now set to seriously plunge.  Ing, who has been in the business for 43 years, also spoke about how this will be the catalyst that will send gold to new all-time…

Stunning – China To Accumulate Another 5,000 Tons Of Gold

With huge volatility in the gold market, today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb stunned King World News when he said that his sources tell him the Chinese are looking to buy another 5,000 tons of gold.  Below is what the acclaimed money manager had to say about this startling development. Leeb:  “Eric, I am focused on…

Peter Schiff: The Next Generation Investment Bank

Published on Oct 2, 2013

Peter Schiff on Fox Business (10/1/2013)
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Paul Craig Roberts: Obamacare Is Another Private Sector Rip-Off Of Americans

October 1, 2013 Obamacare Is Another Private Sector Rip-Off Of Americans The private sector allied with government is a second IRS Paul Craig Roberts The government of the “world’s only superpower,” the “exceptional,” the “indispensable” country, claims to know what is best for Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Mali, Russia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador,…

COMEX Warehouse Gold Bullion: Price Moves Smell of Desperation As Inventory Remains Thin

01 OCTOBER 2013 Jesse’s Cafe Americain  ‘O sir, to willful men, The injuries that they themselves procure Must be their schoolmasters.” William Shakespeare, King Lear There were 3,215 ounces of gold bullion taken out of the HSBC warehouse. The JPM warehouse had 7,143 ounces changed from deliverable to eligible. Perhaps the price action freed up some…

Gold And Silver Spike, Recover All Shutdown Losses As Stocks Tumble

Odd that the mainstream media is not discussing the 4% spike in precious metals this morning as vociferously as they discussed the imminent demise of gold and silver yesterday. With stocks having given back all the Shutdown gains, gold and silver prices are surging higher retracing all yesterday’s losses as Treasury yields fall and the USD weakens…