Submitted by Michael Noonan – Edge Trader Plus
Saturday 8 February 2012
The fundamentals for gold and silver worsen with each passing week, it seems, yet the
price for gold and silver still languish in down trends. If everything is as precarious
as is depicted in so many other articles citing how PMs are in dire straights, for the
same deteriorating reasons presented with pinpoint numbers, as in reduced stocks of
deliverable metals, increased transfers from West to East, why are gold and silver still
near recent lows for the past two years?
No one has offered answers to such a glaring fundamental discrepancy of excessively
low supply, exceptionally strong demand and totally manipulated price.
We remain of the mind that the elephant in the room that no one sees is the reason why
PMs continue to be held hostage: the all-powerful elites, the New World Order, call
them what you will. There is a seemingly invisible hand directing world affairs in ways
few people can comprehend, and it is that inability to connect the dots that keeps the
elites in power and the remaining people in the dark. This is an over-simplification, but
on point.
The modus operandi of the elites, grandfathered by the House of Rothschild, fathered
by Mayer Amschel Bauer, who adopted the better sounding name “Rothschild,” for the
red sign that used to hang over the entrance of his house. No one has practiced the art
of deception more than the group that sprung from the cunning mind of this man who
understood the power of interest and translated into practice to gain control of the
European governments, and ultimately, the entire Western world.
Fast forward to today with total control of money, via central banks, that dictates to
Western world governments. The elites have unlimited numbers of important heads
of governments, unlimited numbers of agents to do their bidding and create problems
on demand. The Arab Spring, the theft of money from Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, being
the most obvious. How about the ransacking of the United States for the past 100+
years? The US is a hollowed out version of what it once was as a result from control of
the elites.
What is transpiring in Ukraine, since the president decided to not join the European
Union, has been brought about by elite agents organizing a disorganized population
to rise up against the government. It is widely known and acknowledged that Ukraine
cannot afford to join the EU, in order to have the privilege of being financially raped
once a member and controlled by the elite banking cabal.
Ukraine is an effort to keep Putin from gaining control of natural gas pipelines that
are a source of heat for much of Europe. It was the impetus behind the Obama regime
to declare war on Syria, for similar reasons, only to have the war-driven leader dressed
down by Putin.
The elites create problems everywhere, but under the radar, mostly undetected, unless
one begins to see how they operate and can then better understand why problems arise
where they do and when. These are carefully planned operations. Once trouble develops,
the elites then gauge how the public reacts and then offers solutions to the problems
they purposefully created.
The reaction to 9/11 in the US? The public was driven into fear, [the created problem],
and the reaction was to embrace the solutions offered by the elite-controlled federal
government, giving up “freedoms” for greater “security” against “terrorists.” America
has not been the Land of the Free for decades as a result of the true shadow rulers.
Why did the popular Occupy Wall Street movement all of a sudden disappear? It ran
the risk of putting the spotlight on that cesspool known as the venue for central banker
control. How was the movement put down? By police force under the direction of the
bankers, [who in turn are under the direction of the elites that keep themselves a few
steps removed from any direct involvement, but always directing it]. Did the elite-
controlled media ever question why the New York City police force was under the
control of private banks? Former mayor Michael Bloomberg is an elite acolyte.
The governments are controlled, the media is controlled, the legal systems are controlled,
agriculture is controlled, [think Monsanto], the pharmaceutical industry is controlled,
drugs are controlled, etc, etc, etc. All because of Rothschild’s discovery that when one
controls the money, one controls everything.
What the arrogant elites did not expect was the rise of China and Russia, [after being
dismantled and now put back together, again], as opposing forces not in control via the
Western central bankers and their endless issuance of worthless fiat. All of a sudden,
actually, over the past few decades, China and Russia, plus the other BRICS nations,
have called the financial bluff of the moneychangers and demanded payment in gold
for all the toxic U S Treasury bonds, [worthless, except in one’s mind, just like the
Federal Reserve Notes, erroneously called “dollars,”], and to keep the elite’s huge Ponzi
scam from being revealed, they have been selling every ounce of gold the have and also
those they did not own but had under their control.
It is all about power, the ultimate fundamental that drives everything, and gold has
always been the Achilles heel for the elites, which is why they have always marginalized
it in the public’s mind. There is no gold in Fort Knox. It is gone. There are no silver
stocks in the US. Gone! Roosevelt used an Executive Order, stating all “persons” must
turn in their gold or be penalized an exorbitant amount.
First of all, Executive Orders issued by any President only apply to Federal officers of
the government. That is it! People did not know that, and the elite-controlled federal
government made no effort to dissuade anyone of that misconception. [There are so
many, many others.]. Secondly, the definition of a “person,” according to laws passed
by the federal government, includes corporations. A corporation is a “person.” All
corporations are created by statute, making them fictions of law of the state in which
it is incorporated.
When Roosevelt issued his Executive Order, it did not, by law, apply to individuals as
persons, but to corporations as “persons.” Any individual who considered him/herself
as a “person,” made that [uninformed] choice freely. Things have not changed. How
does Obama rule? He passes Executive Orders and by-passes Congress, a puppet clan,
The end game is not totally in place. China has no interest in having the “value” of its
ever-increasing gold hoard rise, not while it can acquire it at current low prices.
Remember the sale of JP Morgan’s crown jewel office building, One Chase Plaza, to
China, for $750 million? That is probably less than half of its market value. It also
housed the world’s largest gold vault, directly connected to that of the Federal Reserve,
across the street via and underground tunnel.
To keep China from dumping all of its worthless Treasury paper, and destroying the
“dollar” and ruining the elite Ponzi scam, China is being accommodated by the US
elites via half-price sales of coveted assets. China is buying both gold and America
on the cheap.
Russia is not quite secure in total control of the natural gas pipelines that are being
opposed by the West, particularly the Nobel Peace Prize president that is conducting
more wars than any other leader on the planet. Ukraine is pay-back to Putin by the
elites, trying to divide Ukraine into EU submission and away from Russia. This is
why Ukraine “opposition” to the government has been so strong and persistent. It is
the work of the well-paid agents on the payroll of the elites. Many of those same
agents were at work in Egypt and other Arab countries during their “staged” uprisings.
The point to be made from these somewhat broad assessments, any of which can be
verified by doing one’s own due diligence, is that gold and silver are being held hostage
by the elites to keep their world power alive. It has not yet been determined how those
in power will survive, and they are likely working fast and furious behind the scenes
with China to keep the gold/silver scam alive, making whatever deal[s] they can to keep
control over their flagging Western empire and crumbling fiat scheme.
Last Fall, we said the rally in PMs would take longer than most expect. Expectations were
unmet in 2013, and it is possible that 2014 may be no different. So far, the charts give no
hint to the reality of the gold/silver situation. We also know of no other source of market
information that has been more in sync with price as it is and for whatever reasons.
Gold is well under a 50% retracement between the last swing high and low. This is just a
general guide to indicate the strength or weakness of a market. The farther away price is
under the half-way area, the weaker the market. More of an issue is the bearish spacing.
Whenever there is a space between the last swing low and the next swing high that fails
to close that space, it indicates that sellers are more aggressively in control.
Based on the weekly chart, gold give no indication of beginning a strong rally that will
change the trend, any time soon.
The trend is always treated with respect as the most important first piece of information
because it captures the prevailing price momentum. The best way to trade successfully is
in harmony with the trend. Regardless of whatever information that portrays the reality
of dwindling supply for gold, the reality of the charts takes preference because the charts
are more driven as to timing, and now is not the time to be long futures, just yet.
The reading of charts is always in opposition to the ongoing purchase of the physical
metal. Given the circumstances driven by central bankers, at some point, reality will
rear itself onto center stage, and the physical will outperform almost every other asset
class, and just as importantly, availability may not exist. Keep on buying the physical.
The charts keep the paper market in context. At some point, the price expectation that
actually reflects true supply and demand will align, but now is not that time. For as long
as the trend remains down and price is well under a 50% retracement, the market is weak.
There has been a series of overlapping bar, seen in the box. Overlapping bars indicates a
struggle between buys and sellers for control. There is a temporary balance, and it will
eventually lead to an imbalance as price next moves directionally.
The lack of downside follow-through, after the highest volume bar 7 TDs ago, has been an
anchor for the current rally, of sorts. The caveat as to which way price will move from here
is the trend, which favors lower price behavior until there is an indication of change. Right
now, such an indication is absent. Of minor concern is the location of the closes for the 3
bars at the end, tending toward the lower range of each bar. The offset is the fact that
despite apparent weakness, price did not move lower.
If gold trades higher next week, the daily trend will turn up, and confirmation will come
from a lower swing high on the next correction.
The same applies to the buying and accumulation of physical silver. Based on the ratio
for gold/silver, strongly in gold’s favor, the next sustained bull market may well favor
silver outperforming gold. We strongly advocate the buying of physical silver.
The silver chart is similar to gold but more compact, and weaker, in general. Comments
on the chart explain our view of that developing market.
Silver has been “looking” like it could be forming a bottom, but the fact that price is so
far not showing any ability to rally, and the continual hugging of this low area may mean
that there is insufficient demand. In order to find demand, silver may have to go lower
before it can go higher.
We will just have to wait until supply and demand are resolved.