
Who Does Ron Paul Think Will Get The 2016 GOP Nomination? Hint: Someone Who Lives In KY

By Ed LaRue 9/27/2013 2:50 am Ron Paul made a well-received appearance on NBC’s The Tonight Show With Jay Leno. While there, the former Congressman from the state of TX was asked by Leno who he thinks will get the Republican Nomination. Paul’s answer?  “Well probably someone who lives in Texas, I mean used to live in…

Guardian: Cruz “publicly reprimanded” by fellow Republican John McCain

Speaking to reporters after his speech, Cruz was unrepentant, insisting he wanted to give the American people a voice in the process. Photograph: Jason Reed/Reuters By Dan Roberts in Washington Thursday 26 September 2013 Ted Cruz’s anti-Obamacare speech exposes rift within Republican party Cruz was publicly reprimanded by fellow Republican John McCain, but the hardline conservative remained unrepentant.…

The All-Time Longest Filibuster Ever Was…..

(Watch Ted Cruz’s Live Ongoing Obamacare Filibuster HERE.) …24 Hours 18 Minutes Long The distinction goes to the late Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1957 for a whopping 24 hours and 18 minutes. On August 28 at 8:54 PM, Thurmond began a filibuster during which he read the Declaration of Independence, the…

Peter Schiff: Debt Ceiling, ObamaCare, and Videotape

Published on Sep 24, 2013

The Peter Schiff Show (9/24/13)
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Jim Comiskey Metals September 23rd with intro

Published on Sep 23, 2013

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President Obama has granted waivers for giant corporations and members of Congress. Why is he threatening to shut down the federal government in order to deny those very same waivers to hard-working American families?” – Sen. Ted Cruz

Defund Obama Care, Stock Market New Highs, Navy Yard Shooting & JP Morgan Fined $920 Million

http://usawatchdog.com/weekly-news-wr… – All the speculation the Federal Reserve was going to cut back on the money printing went “poof.” The stock market spiked to new highs, but this is really just a “sugar high.” The Republicans in the House are trying, once again, to defund Obama Care. Some say they are risking a government shutdown. I say “no way” they are going to shut down the government because they could also shut down the weak and fragile economy. The Washington Navy Yard shooting claimed the lives of 13 people including the shooter. Could a SWAT team have gone in and saved some people? The BBC is reporting yes it could have but was ordered to stand down. JP Morgan has admitted wrongdoing for its so-called “London Whale” trading losses and is paying a $920 million fine. My question is: why no criminal charges? Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he gives his analysis on these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.


Republicans at Odds as ‘Obamacare’ Showdown Nears

WASHINGTON September 19, 2013 (AP) By DAVID ESPO AP Special Correspondent  Congressional Republicans struggled to tamp down a family feud Thursday as they approached a politically charged showdown with the White House that combines the threat of a government shutdown, a possible first-ever federal default and the GOP’s bid to repeal the nation’s three-year-old health…

The Movement Strikes Back Conservative activists won’t back down on defunding Obamacare. By Robert Costa

“Turn on any political news show, read any magazine, and all they’re talking about is how conservatives want to defund Obamacare,” says Sal Russo, an adviser to Tea Party Express. “The Tea Party has matured from a protest movement to a collection of organized groups that know how to roll up their sleeves and engage…